Invited Articles

1. Hurt MA, Santa Cruz DJ.  Malignant melanoma microstaging.  History, premises, methods, problems, and recommendations -- A call for standardization.  Pathol Annu 1994; (2):51-74.

2. Hurt MA.  The Stuff of Legend.  Dermatopathol Pract Concept 2005; 11(1):Article 19, on the Web at

3. Hurt MA.  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and The First Amendment: Censorship in the guise of patient privacy -- violation and victimization.  Dermatopathol Pract Concept 2006; 12(3):article 19 at

4. Hurt MA.  Types of melanoma?  J Am Acad Dermatol 2008; 58(06):1059-1060.

5. Hurt MA.  Diagnosis!  (Not Prognosis, Not Potential, Not Risk).  Am J Dermatopathol 2009 Dec;31(8):763-765.

6.  Hurt MA.  Excellence and rarity — an evaluation of Dermatopathology: Practical & Conceptual with Almut Böer, M.D. as Editor-in-Chief, 2004 – 2008.  Dermatopathol Pract Concept 2009; 15(2):Article 2 on the web at